Volunteering opportunities available Blairgowrie, Rattray, The Glens, Alyth, Meigle, Coupar Angus, Balbeggie, Guildtown |
Elder Voice is a local charity connecting people in the community and addressing loneliness, isolation and malnutrition in older people living in and around Perth and Kinross (Strathmore and the Glens)
Our mission through the power of volunteering is "To help people maintain independence and live the life they want"
To be eligible to use any of our services Elder Voice require you to fill in our membership form - this can be completed online, or telephone us on 01250 874269 and we will send out a referral form
We have three strands of services, detailed below. We also offer Taxi Vouchers for local community journeys - an affordable option of community transport working in collaboration with local taxi businesses. All the Blairgowrie Taxi firms are taking part in this service. To register for taxi vouchers give us a call
Our mission through the power of volunteering is "To help people maintain independence and live the life they want"
To be eligible to use any of our services Elder Voice require you to fill in our membership form - this can be completed online, or telephone us on 01250 874269 and we will send out a referral form
We have three strands of services, detailed below. We also offer Taxi Vouchers for local community journeys - an affordable option of community transport working in collaboration with local taxi businesses. All the Blairgowrie Taxi firms are taking part in this service. To register for taxi vouchers give us a call
Befriending/ Socialising Well-being Centre
Supporting Independence & Empowerment Underpinned by a preventative approach to reduce isolation, loneliness and improved mental health and well-being. The centre encourages interaction, skills sharing and stimulation.
This service is available to anyone over the age of 55 who would benefit from being with people and enjoy a day out. Operates twice weekly Monday and Wednesdays in the Ericht Room, Rattray Hall Community Hub. Enquiries : Tel: 01250 874269 |
Volunteering - Befriending/Socialising Well-being Centre
Volunteering at the Befriending/Socialising Well-Being centre provides support to the elderly, with activities such as arts and crafts, sing songs, sewing, painting and serving lunch.
Volunteering can be as little as once a month to weekly and can be a rewarding day for everyone. Enquiries: Tel: 01250 874269 |
Looking to help?
Could you give a few hours a week to providing shopping assistance for someone who cannot do their own?
Would you take satisfaction from improving the happiness and well-being of an older person?
Do you drive and own a car - would you like to be part of a voluntary team to help older people in your community?
Would you take satisfaction from improving the happiness and well-being of an older person?
Do you drive and own a car - would you like to be part of a voluntary team to help older people in your community?
Our Office
1 Commercial Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6NL Our busy refurbished office on Commercial Street is our base for co-ordinating and organising the Elder Voice activities. We have never stopped supporting our clients during COVID-19, whilst complying with regulations and working from home. |
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Scottish Charity: SC051528
© Elder Voice
Website Oct. 2021 Photo credits: Unsplash